Beyond Proof Retreat

For Mothers Who Have Lost a Child

Ghost Ranch, NM | Dates TBD

Connect with your Child… Reconnect with Self… When a Child Dies.

There is no loss greater than the death of a child, and Angie knows this grief first hand. The darkness of the pain, loss, and grief has the potential to drown you in its wake if allowed. This retreat will offer a realness and intimacy that no online program can offer.

Angie has created an intimate space in the mountains of Northern New Mexico where she is inviting 10 mothers who have lost a child to death, who desire to find the tools to move beyond grief. These tools and resources will provide a community, and a path towards healing and reconnection that will continue long after the retreat concludes.

“If you’re thinking about coming on this retreat, do it. Absolutely do it!” Crystal Lane - Retreat Participant




Angie Headshot.jpg

Host Angie Corbett-Kuiper has carefully crafted this retreat with you in mind. She provides personal instruction and offers experiential practice in a workshop setting allowing you to fine tune your newly acquired skill. Some of the methods you might find will fit nicely into your toolkit and others might just be nice to know. Each of us are individuals with different needs and desires. The goal of her retreat is providing as many resources that have worked for her after her son, Nick, took his life in 2015, including journaling, intentional dreams, daily practices, favorite books, meditations, understanding the power of energy, and most importantly learning to be mindfully aware so you are present to recognize when your loved one presents allowing you to live a more uplifting and rewarding life even as you navigate the depths of loss.

My life changed when I quit believing in what I had been taught and started living what I continue to learn.



Retreat Details :

All inclusive (excluding airfare)

  • Transportation to and from the Albuquerque International Airport.

  • Three nights lodging (Single or Shared Room) at Ghost Ranch - Georgia O’Keefe’s beloved home where she lived and painted.

  • All meals and snacks from farm to table and prepared by our own personal chef.

  • Two full days of optional workshops, experiential practice sessions, lectures, meditations, journaling, relaxing, and so much more...

  • All retreat materials included.


Who this retreat is for:

  • Mothers who have experienced the death of a child at any age.

  • Those who have already been through the deepest, darkest part of the grief process, and are ready to learn new skills and tools to connect with their child and begin living again.

  • Open-minded women, ready and eager to connect with their children in ways they thought maybe possible but haven’t yet learned how.

  • This retreat is not an alternative to counseling or support groups. Mothers who have not yet processed their child’s death through other means and support systems are encouraged to do so before joining a Beyond Proof Retreat.

  • This is a women-only retreat, and all of our on-site staff will be female as well.

Some things you will take away :

  • Tools and resources to create a different life experience as you navigate loss, starting with your thoughts and self-limiting beliefs.

  • Learn to trust your five senses, so you are aware and able to recognize your hidden sixth sense.

  • Learn to recognize your loved ones' new language through signs, symbols, intentional dreams, meditation, numbers, and more.

  • Learn to recognize and use the several forms of energy, sound, and vibration. Experience their roles in how you can connect with your child any time you desire.

  • Experience new ways to communicate with your child.

  • Practice living in the present moment to experience the signs, symbols, and sometimes subtle messages from your loved one from beyond.

  • And so much more.

Pricing :


Early Bird Price Single Room: TBD

Early Bird Price Shared Room: TBD


Regular Price Single Room: TBD

Regular Price Shared Room: TBD

* Does not include airfare

* This retreat is designed as a safe space for women only, and only female staff will assist us while we are at Ghost Ranch.



Grief has the potential to drown you in its wake. There is no greater loss than the loss of a child.  

This retreat will offer a realness and intimacy that no online program can create.  If you are being called to join a like-minded group of women who are navigating the loss of a child and are wanting a different and more uplifting and rewarding way in which to move forward - not only survive, but to thrive - this retreat might be for you.


Lectures and Demonstrations with Angie

Angie has been able to heal by finding ways to connect with her 20-year-old son, Nick, who took his life in 2015. Through a series of demonstrations and lectures, she will share the strategies that continue to work for her providing a level of healing. When we are able to connect with our child, we are in a much better place to reconnect with self. Learn how she has been able to recognize that her son is still right here. She shares how it is possible for anyone with a willingness to keep an open mind about everything.

When you lose a child, it is so easy to find yourself lost as well. You may even be asking yourself, “what’s next?”  Or, “now what?” Your life as a mother may have been your identity for so long, and may have revolved around taking care of them. Taking care of a child was a part of your life and daily routine. When a child leaves this earth, it can leave you ripped wide open. What do you do now that they are no longer physically present? If your identity was based on keeping your child safe and sound, how do you begin to repair yourself and rebuild an identity without them? How do you answer, or stop asking yourself, the toughest questions - What happened? What could I have done differently? And the, “if only’s?”

On this 3-night, 4 day, all-inclusive retreat*, you will find yourself in a beautiful setting, situated on the land where Georgia O’Keefe created her most brilliant work. There will be room to roam, to reflect, to contemplate… to sit still…to just be. You will learn the techniques that have worked for Angie, after the death of her son and husband, offering assurance that your child is still right here. When you find your child, you will find something even greater…yourself.

New Tools for Healing

Angie will introduce the tools that have helped her heal from the tremendous and sometimes debilitating pain of loss. It is her hope that you find the tools and resources that work for you and will continue to serve your highest and best interest long after the retreat concludes. We hope to provide you with several resources and a personalized “toolbox” which you can access anytime you feel the desire to connect with your child.

If you believe that there is something more and have a burning desire to find your child, this retreat might be for you.

If you want to reconnect with who you are and recognize the value that you and your life have on this planet right now - this retreat, in the heart of the painted desert, might be for you.


Guided Meditation

We will start each day with morning meditation, writing, and reflection. We will learn to use our breath to quiet our minds surrounded in nature. Guided meditations will lead you on a path to be able to recognize signs that our children are still with us in so many ways, and to experience them in their new forms.

The goal of Angie's retreat is to provide as many tools and resources that have worked for her. She will share favorite books, meditation practices, her understanding of energy, and how it continues to play a role in her own healing. Most importantly, she will share techniques to quiet your mind of the constant chatter, so you don't miss the opportunities which become miracles to connect with your loved one. This retreat is an intimate gathering of women who have lost a child to death and are interested in learning new ways to communicate with them, but more importantly, to find new tools and resources to move forward in this life more joyfully.

Arts , Crafts, and Music

Nothing connects us with our inner child, like creativity through art. We learn to express through the movement of the body, mind, and soul. These creative activities open our minds to our inner child, as well as the children we have lost. An important lesson in healing from the deaths of our children is that it's okay to laugh. It is okay to have fun. It's okay to enjoy life again.

I remember being a bit concerned about my younger son one evening. As a mother, most can probably relate to these feelings several times during their children’s life. Instead of worrying and allowing my mind to create a worst-case scenario, I remembered to stop and breathe, and a voice from deep inside of my soul whispered, ‘Don’t worry, Mom. I got this.’ And sure enough, I knew that voice. I knew that voice! No words were necessary; it was from one soul to another. When I did not allow my mind to take over like it has been programmed to do, it was vital for me to trust and believe that little voice deep inside. When I did, I allowed the process of life instead of forcing it.

Since the day we are born, we are programmed into a set of beliefs and programs. These programs have come from parents, teachers, religion, and other social institutions. Everything we have learned, up until now, in life and death has been a set of rules, regulations, attitudes, and beliefs. Not only in life, but how we view and ultimately navigate death, loss, grief, and suffering as well. 

If you are ready to change what you have been taught, your thoughts, attitudes, and programing about death and loss that have kept you from living your life fully, this retreat might be for you. Through loss, we have the opportunity to find out why it was our children’s time to leave this earth, but not leave us. We begin to learn why we have come hopefully and to find and follow our soul’s path and purpose.


Star Gazing

In the complete darkness, miles from any city and no light noise, we will gaze upon the billions of bright stars that create our galaxy. Our universe. Through astronomy and a bit of astrology we learn another language and are humbled by the majesty of the universe in which we live.

Actual Photo taken @ Moonglades Ranch Retreat, 2019 by Photographer Denali Tiller.

This retreat promises to challenge you and your current set of beliefs. After the suicide deaths of my son and second husband, I realized that I did not have the right tools to navigate this journey. My toolbox was missing tools, and I had to search outside of my own set of self-limiting beliefs and ideals that were programmed deep in my mind. I learned to trust myself and trust those that I attracted into my life.

I look forward to sharing every tool, every resource, every book, every sound that I have learned, which has provided me the greatest healing of all.



No one can truly understand the pain you have gone through except for other mothers who have also experienced the death of a child. Perhaps most importantly, this retreat offers an opportunity to create a community of women with shared lived experiences, to learn from, to laugh and cry with, to be resilient, and grow together. In the depths of loss, it can be a world of sadness, pain, and, most of all, loneliness, if you allow. You are not alone, and you will never be alone again.



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